Saturday 28 March 2015

How to Convert your Traffic

It is very important to understand difference between traffic & Traffic that converts. Many of us do think that traffic equals money, yes but quality traffic equals too more money even double & triple. Big online marketers always focus on leads and conversion more than just getting a view or clicks.

When do you get good Conversion on your product ?
Only when a product is attractive, or when you convince your customers about the quality and most importantly when they need it.  It is very much important to find right person who are in need of your product.

EXAMPLE: If you have a form to be applied for Job for House cleaning, you sells it at Rs. 5 to the Engg. College students [ on their college], do you think you will get your forms sold out??
It won’t get sold out because they are not looking for that job, but if you sell an internship job form for some company at Rs.300. You will get it sold out like hell!!
That means what?? You exactly need targeted traffic to get good conversion on your product.

How do you Find Targeted Traffic to convert your traffic to customer?

It is not a business of one day that you would startup two days back, and succeed it in next 2 days. You have to take time to build authority, trust & reputation for your product. Now, if you are trying to sell out some product which does not belong to you.
You must consider being selective while picking up a product for selling.

5 easy ways to convert traffic

Check our easy tips to convert your traffic:

Target Convertible keywords:

It depends on how you choose your topic and o kind of keyword you target. Taking an example for selling hair oils, you must first understand what kind of people you want as your buyers.  Is that oil for longer hairs or shiny hairs or colors or for re-growing hair.
If you target for re-growing hair, you are looking for those people who are losing hair or who are bald. They would basically need solutions like “ How to Control hairfall”, “ Best oil for Hairfall control”, Best Oil for re-growing hair” etc. This kind of keywords would definitely give you good conversion, this was just an small example.

Target Organic Traffic:

Organic traffic are basically the best way to make high conversion, that is because we basically have much higher conversion with organic traffic. We usually search in search engines for what we actually need, hence if we are looking for best phone below 10k price I would be looking to buy phones below 10k. Or if I search for flipkart coupon code I would be searching for shopping using that coupon. This would give me high conversion, with better Conversion rate. Check CouponMachine’s Flipkart Store as example page.

Facebook Ads:

Facebook ad campaign is another awesome place for targeting convertible traffic. Running Facebook Campaign targeting some kind of selective people would be great Choice, millions of people are active everyday which includes all kind of people.
Targeting highly active Facebook Fan page of related topic and making an promotion is another best way to keep people engaging & more conversion.
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Adwords ads:

Google is one of the biggest giant in internet, you can now advertise on Google using adwords by bidding on your targeted keywords. Best place in the planet for getting targeted visitors, conversion rate is very high as compared to others.
Note: No matter how big promotion you do, if your product is not good you have no other option then turning back.

Forums & Groups:

There are lots of active forums &  groups on various social networking sites, forums etc. Where people form a group and discuss about some particular topics, this kind of practiced is found on all the topics. You have to find the audience for your product or blog, forums and groups are basically best place to find targeted audience.
Joining such groups & making it a topic of discussion would be best thing. Promoting on such audience, would be highly beneficial.
Follow this few easy tips on how to convert your traffic, follow all this above tips and start getting higher conversion.

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